Use the arrows at left to expand branchesName | Details |
Miss Brim (f) | x Highflyer, 1785, TB |
Sir Solomon mare (f) | x Sir Solomon, 1805, TB |
Mermaid (f) | x Orville, 1811, TB |
Acorn (s) | x Skim, 1822, TB |
Gaiety (f) | x Frolic, 1824, TB |
Mabel (f) | x Maple, 1837, TB |
Merman (s) | x Whalebone, 1826, TB |
Naiad (f) | x Whalebone, 1828, TB |
Lanterne (f) | x Royal Oak, 1840, TB |
The Sea (s) | x Whalebone, 1830, TB |
Freetrader (s) | x The Sea, 1849, TB |
Freetrader (s) | x The Sea, 1849, TB |
Freetrader [late the Free-Trader] (s) | x The Sea, 1849, TB |
Lady Bird (f) | x The Sea, 1849, TB |
Lady Franklin (f) | x The Sea, 1849, TB |
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